BHF Datenbank -- Hye Young Sin

Hye Young Sin

Bisherige Einreichungen:
2022: patterns for benches (nominiert)
Hye Young Sin is an artist whose works move between installation, performance, composition, and sculpture. She studied at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne (KHM) in Germany. She received an honorary mention for her sound installation ‘Time-piece’ at Sonotopia by Beethoven Stiftung and Bonn hoeren. Her artistic works have been presented actively in the context of exhibitions, media art festivals, and conferences, including European Media Art Festival(EMAF) in Osnabrueck, next generation 8.0 at ZKM in Karlsruhe, Sound/Image 19 in London, Stuttgarter Filmwinter in Stuttgart, Weltkunstzimmer in Duesseldorf and Kunsthaus Rhenania in Cologne.